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All the images on this page were taken during the Dark Skies Weekend, Lagganlia Outdoor Education Center, Kingussie. March 2005
Please feel free fo view these images and they may all be reproduced with permission. Hopefully, you will enjoy the images here, and will remember the fun and excellent viewing we had over the weekend.
Neil Hutchison

Saturday 5th March 2005

Telescope tutorial

Now where does this mirror go?

Snow started the day on Saturday, however with spirits high, we set about taking Mark's home made telescope apart ...

Where does the mrror go?

River Walk

Down by the river, Saturday afternoon

Saturday morning didn't start out all that well as far as viewing either the sun or everyone else's telescopes was concerned so well all wandered off for a walk by the river ...

Down by the river

Nothing like a bunch of astronomers just hanging around waiting for the snow to pass and the sun to come out ...

Hanging around

The sun came out ... and we were hiding behind the trees!

Sun through the trees Sun through the trees 2

Snow on the hills ...

Snow on the hills


This was our first look through a telescope ... at the sun!

Finally, after coming back from our walk, the sun was out and the telescopes we not far behind it. The sun was just starting to dip below the branches of a tree hence the black 'tendrils' creeping across the image.


And here's how I got that amazing picture of the sun. This picture is taken through the eyepiece of the Celestron 5 telescope, using my camera's macro lense.

Sun How

Setting up a camera

Doing the preparation to get the camera ready for night.

Getting set-up for the evening's viewings, Malcolm and I attached the camera to the back of a telescope and checked that we could get a good picture. As can be seen in these two images, the quality is excellent. It was all looking good to get some astrophotography later.

Snow on the hills Snow on the hills

Darkness finally falls...

And the skies cleared. Well, eventually!

Some of us went off to try to get a photo of Mercury rising ... all we got was cold and snowed on. You win some you lose some. At least we were there!

Some very cold Astronomers

The first attempt at a photograph through an 8" Mead telescope, at saturn. As you can see, the vibrations from having touched the telescope make the image 'wobble'. While its not a great photograph of Saturn, the results are interesting.

Saturn, with a lot of wobble

Finally, the highlight of my night. A great picture of Saturn, taken in a single frame, with a 2 second exposure. The detail is very good, and the Cassini Division can be clearly seen, along with shadow on the rings from the planet. Superb.
